Well, it's another long process to get us moved again. We are pretty much all packed up, just in time for Maddox and me to fly to Washington to visit Marmie and Daddoo. Jeff, Bruce, Clubber and Sophie will be shoving off in the UHaul (with Toaster B in tow) next Wednesday. Our whole little family will be arriving in California on Thursday, April 24th. Move in day is Saturday the 26th, and then it's official ... we're Californians again!!
I'll return to the world of bloggers as soon as we get settled. Just know that our cell phone numbers will remain the same, as well as our email address. thekreils@yahoo.com
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
See You On The Flip Side
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Last Swim Lesson Post ... I Promise!
Bear with me ... just a couple last videos of Infant Swim lessons. MadMan has the whole "swim-float-swim" sequence down now, so he can swim all the way to the wall, taking a floating rest on the way. (No, Miss Rachael isn't pinching his legs. Those squeezes are his reinforcement for kicking well.)
Many people have asked me how I handle watching these swim lessons. It's tough, but I know it's so important. Occasionally, I have small nervous breakdowns when I think Maddox has been under the water too long. I'm pretty sure that's why mommies aren't allowed in the water during lessons. If you listen closely in this video, I think you can hear my heart pounding in my chest. "Swimming makes me thirsty!"
Colorado Friends
On Saturday, we drove down to Colorado Springs to say good-bye to friends there (and see all the puppies)! Here we are with our friends Natascha and Tammy. They used to be personal training clients of Jeff's, and have officially renamed him Jeff Cruel. He tortured them, but they loved every second of it!!!
Our friends, Derek and Valerie, recently bred their silver lab, Zuma, and the puppies are about 6 weeks old. They are just the sweetest things you have ever seen! Maddox really loved playing with them and giving them love. Good thing we've been working on being gentle with dogs!!!
Introducing Toaster B
The lease is up on Tucker the Tundra (hallelujah), so we needed a new car for our new/old lives back in California. So, we worked out a good offer with a Toyota dealer in Orange County, and then took that offer to a dealer here and used it to negotiate an even better deal here! Not too shabby. This is the newest addition to the Kreil family, a 2008 toaster, I mean Scion, named "B" (short for "Plan B"). Ain't she a beauty?!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Just Call Me Tiger
Granted, his form could use a little work, but he's got the general idea. Daddoo will have a golfing buddy in no time! "One of these clubs has got to work!"
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Spring Happenings
Spring has finally sprung here in Denver! Don't be fooled, it still snows and is pretty cold, but as least the weather is nice enough to get out of the house most days. Here are a few of the newest adventures of the little man. Daddy's toothbrush is a big hit. Needless to say, I am going to Target today to get Maddox his own electric toothbrush. I might need to pick one up for Clubber too.
This is a true story that I don't even know how to begin to explain, except to say that Maddox is the weirdest kid on the planet. The other day I thought it would be fun to introduce Maddox to fruit bars, so we tried a Dole strawberry fruit bar. He was okay with it, but after a few bites, he gave it back to me and nearly lunged out of his chair reaching for the asparagus I was eating. So we traded. I ate the popsicle, and he ate about 6 spears of asparagus. I have no idea where this kid came from.
We spent the day yesterday in downtown Denver. We tried to buy tickets to the sold-out Rockies home opener from scalpers, but no such luck. So, we went to the 16th Street Market instead, where we checked on the scores at ESPN Zone. Here, Maddox is "playing" video games. One of these days, he is going to realize that he's just playing the intro, and we actually have to put money in the machine to make it work. From that day on, I'm sure I will find myself repeating, "No, Maddox, I don't have any quarters."