Thursday, February 17, 2011

When It Rains, It Pours

I hate technology. (Yes, I recognize the irony of that statement as it's posted on my Internet scrapbook.)

Technology lulls me into a false sense of security, as if everything that has ever been stored is retrievable. But it's not. Exhibit A: my laptop hard drive. You know, the hard drive I stored all my photos on for the last year. Crashed. Gone. Blank.

One might suggest that I invest in an online backup tool like Carbonite. I do have an online backup service! On my desktop. Oops.

The technology gods must really be angry with me because I also lost my camera. I realize that can't really be blamed on technology in general, but it makes me feel better to heap the culpability on something other than myself.

So, first things first. If you have any relatively recent photos of my family, please send me a copy. Don't worry. Maddox's baby photos are safe and sound. Secondly, Maddox's 4th birthday is coming up! And since I just bought a new camera, I'll have photos to share soon!

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