Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Sea Monkey Meets Real Monkeys!

We took Maddox and Marmie to the zoo yesterday to see all the animals and feed the giraffes. This particular giraffe's name is Becky... no relation to a certain family friend. Everyone loved feeding the giraffes crackers, especially Jeff, who also got a little smooch from Becky!

Maddox got his first look at gorillas, who made sure to show off for him. One gorilla kept bringing her new baby by the glass to show off her little one. Another smeared his own vomit on the glass and then ate it for our amusement. The hambone in the photo below put a bandana on her head to get some laughs. Maddox thoroughly enjoyed all of it!
Check out the video below to see Maddox feeding our new friend, Becky.

1 comment:

Momma said...

I think that the giraffe's tongue may be as long as Jen's :)